Your vehicle's owner's manual is the ultimate guide to preserving your car for as long as possible. Most people let it rot in the glove box, but you should be using it more often if you want to be a responsible car owner. Here are eight reasons why you should pick up your manual!
- To understand the "what" and "how much" your vehicle needs. This book is the best possible way to look up what your automobile needs, such as the grade of fluids (motor oil, brake fluid, etc.) and what quantity is suitable for your car. It will also list the recommended intervals for your fluid changes.
- To know the location of the essential parts. In certain circumstances, you may need help locating the oil dipstick or the spare tire. The owner's manual can give you the precise location of certain parts.
- To get things done quickly. Instead of spending forever trying to find out how much pressure your tires need, you can simply flip in the book to find the listed numbers. The owner's manual will speed up specific processes so that you can carry on with your busy schedule.
- To help you when you are stranded. Reading your owner's manual can benefit you by preparing you for emergencies (breakdowns). For instance, it can tell you what to do and whether you'd be able to get your car up and running again.
- To read and interpret your dashboard warning lights. There are countless symbols and colors that can appear on your dash from time to time, and it can be difficult to remember what they all mean. They all have different meanings, which are explicitly defined in the manual.
- To maintain a service record. All auto manuals come with a section in which one can record their maintenance history. This portion of the book can be written up and stamped by the service center every time you get something done.
- To determine how to clean your car. The book will outline various ways to keep your car clean and shiny without damaging it with harsh chemicals.
- To learn all its features. We can assure you that there's a handful of features in your car that you've never heard of before. You'd simply be missing out on them if you don't look at your manual. Get every penny's worth of your car by familiarizing yourself with its unique features.
We hope this convinced you to retrieve the book from your glovebox. If your car requires any maintenance or repairs, you can trust our certified techs at Prestige Auto Works to service your vehicle. Feel free to call us at (916) 912-4099 if you have any questions or concerns.