Posted on 4/23/2021
If your car fails to start, it may mean that your starter system has problems or your battery is not charged before you point an accusing finger on the starter check whether your battery is charged. If so, then the problem is most likely with your car starter. But how can you be sure? Check out the following signs. 1. Funny Sound When Starting The Car The sin that you have a bad starter is when you hear a clicking sound whenever you push the starter or turn the starter key. A deteriorating starter may alert you of its impending death with a grinding and whirring sound. Some dead starters don't produce any sound, so have your car regularly checked by a trained technician. 2. The Dashboard Light Is On, But Nothing Happens When starting the car, the dashboard should light up, followed by the engine starting to run. But in some instances, the dashboard may light up, but the engine fails to power up. This is an indication that the starter has problems. 3. Engine Failing To Crank S ... read more