Posted on 10/12/2021

Your vehicle's owner's manual is the ultimate guide to preserving your car for as long as possible. Most people let it rot in the glove box, but you should be using it more often if you want to be a responsible car owner. Here are eight reasons why you should pick up your manual! To understand the "what" and "how much" your vehicle needs. This book is the best possible way to look up what your automobile needs, such as the grade of fluids (motor oil, brake fluid, etc.) and what quantity is suitable for your car. It will also list the recommended intervals for your fluid changes. To know the location of the essential parts. In certain circumstances, you may need help locating the oil dipstick or the spare tire. The owner's manual can give you the precise location of certain parts. To get things done quickly. Instead of spending forever trying to find out how much pressure your tires need, you can simply flip in the book to find the listed n ... read more