Your smog test can be just as daunting as any of the exams you've taken for school. If you don't pass the test, you can't drive your car legally until you get the repairs to fix your emission system. Smog checks are intended to ensure California vehicles are not producing a harmful amount of emissions. With so many automobiles in California, the smog program helps preserve the air so it can be as clean as possible. Here are some reliable tips on how to pass your smog test with flying stars:
Fix Check Engine Light
A check engine light is the easiest problem to avoid! A lit check engine light will result in immediate failure, so please make sure you have it repaired before your smog test is scheduled.
Make Sure Your Tires are Properly Inflated
Most states run a dynamometer analysis that makes your vehicle run at high speeds while remaining in a fixed position. When your tires aren't fully inflated, your engine has to work harder, releasing excess exhaust as a result.
Avoid Rainy Weather
Rainy weather can cause problems with your tires, such as losing grip on the road surface, especially if you haven't gotten your tires replaced in a while. When your tires are wet, they can slip during the dynamometer test and make you fail.
Get An Oil Change
If your car runs with dirty engine oil, it is prone to release more concentrated and filthy exhaust. It would be wise to get an oil change before your smog test date.
Drive Before Your Test
Another great tip is to take your vehicle for a 20-minute drive before your smog test commences. If you do this, your car is "warmed up" and put in its optimal state.
Schedule a Tune-Up
There's no doubt that a tune-up can pay off, especially before a necessary smog check. Regular maintenance for your vehicle is the best way to stop problems from arising that could impact your smog test. When you have a certified professional check-off on every car component, it is very unlikely that you will fail!
If you require a tune-up or smog test soon, please do not hesitate to reach out to the techs at Prestige Auto Works. California residents often dread smog tests, but they are not as bad as you think! Follow these steps above, and you'll be in and out in no time.